August 2022
14 Guidelines to Design a Bed and Breakfast Effectively | Eps. #304
To design a Bed and Breakfast takes time and planning. You have to set achievable goals, establish your target market and ensure your property works for your plans. Here are 14 guidelines you need to [...]
Do You Know What a First Property Model Is? Let Me Explain | INNsider Tips-016
Welcome to INNsider Tips. I have mentioned in the past that you have to think of your property as a franchise and that your operations manual is your first property model. Today's tip is how [...]
July 2022
Buying a Bed and Breakfast Checklist | Eps. #303
Have you ever dreamed of owning a bed and breakfast or small inn and opening the doors to the world but are not sure where to start? Here is your buying a bed and breakfast [...]
How Do I Know If My Operations Manual Will Work | INNsider Tips-015
Welcome to INNsider Tips. In today’s tip, I am going to explain how you know if your operations manual will work. . . In the last couple of episodes, I have looked at your operations [...]
The Authoritative Bed and Breakfast Business Plan-Part 2 | Ep. #302
In today’s episode, I’m going to continue giving you the guideline you need to write a bed and breakfast business plan for your property’s growth and development. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I [...]
Your Daily Operating Procedure | INNsider Tips-014
Welcome to INNsider Tips. In today’s INNsider Tip, I am going to share the framework for your hospitality property's Daily Operating Procedure. . . An outline of what to include: Customer Service Procedures . Customer [...]