Welcome to INNsider Tips.

In today’s tip, I am going to explain how you know if your operations manual will work.



In the last couple of episodes, I have looked at your operations manual including the framework or the structure, and examples of the type of forms and checklists you would want to be added.


I understand, to some of you, the list might have seemed extreme, but I am serious when I say, you have to have documentation for everything.


Okay, you’ve got your organizational structure in place, everybody knows their responsibilities, their duties and how to perform them step-by-step.  


Now, you have to ask yourself “When it is complete, how do I know if my operations manual will work?”


To know this you have to ask yourself another question  


“Will the concept, my operations manual be saleable?” And then you have to ask “Will I be able to clone it? And if so, will it provide good returns?”


Yes, I want you to look at your business as a product and this is a product you want to sell.


No, I’m not telling you-you have to go out and sell your property, but for you to know for sure that your operational procedure, your operations manual works, you have to put your head in a different mindset and look at your property as a product.


I want to force you to think that the business system you are creating is a business you’re going to sell, and if followed, it would work once it was sold no matter who bought it.


That is it for today’s tip. Know you’ll have an idea if your operations manual will work.


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That’s today’s INNsider tips.

Until next time, have a fun day.


A Division of Keystone Hospitality Property Development
