

Nearly all successful people have similar habits.

In this episode, I will share 12 Habits of Prosperous People and show you how by practising positive thinking you will be able to concentrate on your strengths and accomplishments to enhance contentment & motivation.

Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School.

I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson.



Here’s an interesting fact,

Nearly all successful people have similar habits.


You may not have noticed them. So, I’m going to share with you a list of twelve of the most common.



  1. Be Decisive

I have mentioned this before – When you have a decision to make – make it!


Big or small, this will affect your success in life but it important to make sure that these decisions complement your values.



  1. Be Responsible

Being responsible means taking control of the events happening in your life. It’s the difference between success and failure and will influence your success.



  1. Be Focused

Focusing on the goals that you set will help you become successful. Without focus, you will be unable to do the things that you need to accomplish for your success.



  1. Break down the goals into smaller pieces

A major source of stress in life comes from the feeling that there is an impossible number of things to do.


Success in each step triggers the reward centre of the brain releasing a feel-good chemical known as dopamine leaving you feeling motivated and inspired take another step.



  1. Wake Up Early

Most who are successful in life, cultivate a habit of waking up early. If you have difficulty with waking up early, use an alarm clock.



  1. Exercise

Any form of exercise from yoga to aerobics elevates your mood and increases feel-good chemicals in the brain. Exercising also acts as a type of meditation focusing the mind on a particular task and clearing any doubts as well as lowering stress.


I’m going to share with you 6 more habits.



  1. Avoid Distractions

Drugs, alcohol, bad company, social media are examples of distractions that can lead to failure.


To help avoid distractions, make sure you have a to-do list and work on completing the items on your list before your workday ends.



  1. Be Patient

Patience pays. If you do things in a hurry, chances are that you won’t do them the right way and you could fail. Take your time.



  1. Listen More and Speak Less

Those who are successful use most of their time listening instead of speaking. By listening more and speaking less you have time to digest what you are listening to and that gives you the time to make sound decisions.



  1. Be Respectful

Respect is the key to success. If you show respect you’ll be amazed at how you will get respect in return.



  1. Always Make the First Move

Be bold in life and always make the first move. This is how you stay ahead of the crowd.



  1. Manage Time Well

Time is money. If you are not able to manage your time, don’t expect success.



Did those make sense? Let me know by leaving a short comment



Occasionally, life has a way of making us feel so small and breaking us down when something or someone gets in the way.


The truth is your mindset, the way you think, is usually what really makes the difference. Learning how to manage your thought patterns is what is going to keep you on the move when things fail to go as planned.


I am going to share 10 ways you can improve the way you think:


If you have listened to or read the past couple of podcasts or posts, some of these tips might feel redundant. There is a reason for that.



They work!



Practising positive thinking enables people to concentrate on their strengths as well as accomplishments that enhance contentment &motivation.





  1. .Taking Care of yourself

It is easier to stay positive while you are feeling well and by this I mean eating properly, exercising, and getting plenty of rest.



  1. Start Your Day Off Strong

Your day’s effectiveness is normally determined in the first few morning hours. If you start by checking the Facebook newsfeed and emails when you get out of bed, you might not have control where the morning takes you. .


Front load your morning with an activity that will give you a positive mental focus. A brief brainstorming or workout session will help in keeping you right on track.



  1. Take Control of What Goes In Your Head

Newspaper or tabloids? Learn to be proactive and disciplined about the things that you allow to go through your mind. We cannot make changes to our DNA but we can opt to be more vigilant about what sort of information we choose to consume.



  1. Practice Gratitude

Recall what you are grateful for time and time again. Focus on the positive things as opposed to its negatives.



  1. Search for the Proof rather than Making Assumptions

Have you ever felt that a friend, family member or colleague is upset with you because of something you have or may have done? Did you let these feeling fester? There is a way you can find out for sure – ask!


One way or another, at least you will know and then you can react accordingly.


Worry and not doing anything is a huge waste of your time.



  1. Avoid Making use of Absolutes

Speaking and thinking in absolutes such as ‘always’ ( for example, You’re ALWAYS late ) and ‘never’ (for example, You NEVER contact me ) makes the situation appear even worse than it is, and forces your brain to believe that certain individuals are not capable of delivering.



  1. Crush the “ANTs”

“ANTs”- automatic negative thoughts, are actually bad thoughts which are generally reactionary, such as “Those guys are laughing, they must be laughing at me,” or “The boss wishes to meet me? I must have messed up!”


When you recognize these types of thoughts, understand that they are simply ANTs and just crush them.



  1. Practice Caring & Touching

You do not have to be a professional to understand the advantages of a great hug. Positive bodily contact with buddies, family members, and even domestic pets is an immediate pick-me-up. You do have to keep in mind when and when it is not appropriate, especially the workplace.



  1. Enhance your Social Activity

By boosting social activities, you reduce solitude. If you surround yourself with happy, healthy people, and you will be affected by their positive energy.



  1. Help Someone Else 

Everybody feels great after helping. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you’re not only helping someone else grow but adding positive energy into the environment. 



In Conclusion

Becoming successful is without a doubt one of the most coveted achievements today. If you are serious and work on developing the proven habits of successful people and follow the ten strategies, it will help you gain positive momentum in your life.


Come to terms with the reality that obstacles are inevitable but know that you can control the journey to finding your best self as a positive thinker. 


This has been a very busy year for us here at Keystone HDC so we are going to take the next two weeks off to take a breath before jumping into next year.


A year we are very excited about.


That being said, we will release our next podcast on January 8th.


We want to take this time to wish all of you, wherever you are on this planet of ours, Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year!.







And don’t forget to join the “6 Day Challenge” here:




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Successful People's Habits | Ep. #128