

How do successful people deal with negativity and endure when things get hard.

In the edition, I am going to look at how you can train to become a positive thinker.

Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School.

I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson




Are you stuck?



Is your competition is beating you out, are you having trouble with employees, is your marketing is not working the way it should, do you have lack the funds for renovations or even upkeep you’re probably like most people thinking that if you had the right breaks, more customers, better weather then you’d be making tons of money, right?






99% of your business success has nothing to do with the externals, it has to do with internals…..meaning you.

Your business is stuck, plateaued or broke because of you.



Yes, your business is a direct reflection of YOU and the way you think.



Are all the successful hospitality property owners or managers using the exact same marketing tactics, employee training, and business software or design strategy?






Some do research & know their target market, others outdoing their competition, and still, others doing things that are completely different. Everyone’s using different strategies to build their business.


Don’t you think it would be smarter to look at what each of these successful entrepreneurs DO have in common?


One thing I know for a FACT they have in common: their brains are wired for success! They think differently than all those who fail at business.

They see POSSIBILITIES when others see the problem.

They see LESSON when others see failure.

They think “why not?” when others say “why bother?”



Makes sense, right?



Well, if you’re still with me and you agree, read on.


This is so important because I don’t ever remember seeing a class in school, college or university on how to rewire your brain for success, or how to control your thoughts, do you?


Chances are, if you’re just working in a job, you don’t need to. But being an entrepreneur is a different story. If you’re going to make it at entrepreneurship, you need to be the best and most powerful version of you.


It’s hard. Competitive. And nothing is guaranteed in entrepreneurship. One thing I can guarantee is that without mastering your brain and your mindset you’re just not going to be as successful as you can be.



In the next section, I am going to spotlight on the way you think, the way you look at problems and tips you can use to help you refocus.


This will not only pertain to the hospitality property industry but can be taken and used in all aspects of your life.


I will look at:

  • How you can endure when things get hard


  • Ways to removing negativity from your life


  • Habits of successful people


  • Tips to improve your mindset and become a positive thinker




Before the break, I said I was going to spotlight on the way you think, the way you look at problems and tips you can use to help you refocus.


Things happen all the time in the hospitality property industry that makes you want to crawl under a rock & hide. What can you do turn this around?


Endurance in tough situations is hard to have sometimes.


Things happen in everyday life that just make you want to crawl under a rock and hide. It becomes a challenge to stick our heads back out into the world where they may get bitten off in the process.


This is what endurance is all about.


The determination to keep going, no matter what the odds is the trait of many successful people.


A strong character is built around endurance. It shows what you are made of when faced with a challenge that you must overcome. Successful people are determined to meet all goals. They keep striving to get there and will fight anyone and anything that gets in their way. They are determined to see a task through to completion and then they will sit back and reap the rewards.


Refusing to give up doesn’t mean that you will never fail.


It just means that you may have to take a long way around instead of the shortcut. But don’t stop believing that you can do what you set out to do. The journey begins with the first step, placing one foot in front of the other and before long, you will look back and see all that you have accomplished. It will be a wonder that you got as far as you did and that you didn’t stop when the times got really rough.






Be a doer and a thinker.



What do I mean by that?


Instead of complaining, look for an achievable solution to your problem. This alone can start you on the road to confidence and self-esteem.


For example:

If you decide you are unhappy, then you will live your life that way. But if you decide you want to change your mindset, you can start by thinking happy thoughts.


Then set your goals for that day, for the week, month, year, five years.


With the goals, you want to achieve set and you will be on your way. On average, it takes 66 days to change a habit, so challenge yourself to stick to your plans of reaching your goals.


There will be lapses and it may take a while to get into the routine but by starting and then willing yourself back on track you will start reaching your goals, which will make you happier.


If you continue to live in the past, it will upset your future.



“The past is gone and there is nothing that can be done about it now.”



Everyone makes mistakes. You can try to fix the mistakes you have made by doing even better in the future and don’t be so hard on yourself when you do. Take them for what they are as a life lesson, – learn from them and move on. Don’t let one mistake ruin the rest of your life.


When you have a hard decision to make – make it!


When those hard decisions come along, realise they are there to test our spirit. If you endure and get through those challenges sent your way, it will show others what you can do. It may also place you as an industry leader.


That is something you can take pride in and if you wish, you could take one step further by becoming a mentor to others. Teaching others how you endured through a bad situation can be good for you by knowing you were not alone in the world.



What Happens When You Do Fail and How to Overcome

It is very obvious that nobody on this earth likes to fail but the fact remains that everybody has tasted failure at least once in their life.


So, if everybody faces failure, what is it that successful entrepreneurs do differently than the others?

  • To begin with, it is important that you get over any failure as quickly as possible. The longer you dwell, the longer it takes to find a solution.


  • Do not blame others. It is easy to do but if you want to overcome failure accept your mistake, take the blame and move on.


  • Identify the cause of the failure.


  • What were the causes that led up to the failure?


  • Use the – if I had done ‘this’ then ‘that,’ – formula. This is an exercise that could show you ways to overcome possible failures as well as boost your confidence.


  • Seek the advice of experts or mentors. When talking with them be honest and frank. You will be surprised at how many colleagues, friends, family members and industry professionals are impressed by the fact that although you have failed, yet you are striving back again to overcome your failure and transform it into success.


  • Once you have identified the pitfalls, work towards the success.


Is this making sense so far? Let me know by leaving a short comment



Negativity is a drain. It can greatly affect your business, possibly lead you into depression and hurt your business.


Why would you want to remove negativity from your life?


The main reason is “negativity is a drain”.


.Another is that most people try to avoid negative people as much as possible or at least reduce their contact with them to an absolute minimum.


If you’re suffering from an excess of negativity it can greatly affect your business and possibly lead you into depression and to a downward spiral.



How do you remove negativity from your life?

Here are some tips that can help.


  1. Be Grateful

Gratitude is a powerful weapon against negativity.


It’s the opposite and once you learn to be grateful more often you’ll find that your negativity struggles to manage your newfound gratitude.


The easiest way to start is to just say “thank you” more often. Ideally out loud but at least in your head.


There are lots to be grateful for – the clothes you’re wearing, the air you’re breath, your family, your employees, anything!


Start keeping a gratitude journal and before you go to bed write down at least three things that have happened during the day that you’re grateful for.


This will help put your mind in the right place to sleep.



  1. Exercise More

Exercise releases endorphins. (Endorphins are a brain chemical known as neurotransmitters, which transmit electrical signals within the nervous system. … They interact with receptors in the brain to reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine.)


These are a natural “feel good” mechanism that acts faster, better and safer than any drug (prescription or otherwise), and they are generated, for free, when you exercise.


Exercise doesn’t have to mean going to the gym or pool or even jogging.


It can be as simple as walking instead of taking the car for short journeys or parking a little further away from the store entrance.


Or you could deliberately go out for a walk!



  1. Eat Healthily

Comfort food is easy to grab and does give you a quick sugar high, but that’s soon followed by the negative side of eating food that’s not exactly healthy. You could crash.


Cut down on excess sugar.


Gradually cut down on the caffeine.


Make slightly healthier choices when you eat – and when in the supermarket, read the labels. If the ingredients look like chemical equations or make no sense or you wouldn’t add them to your recipe if you are cooking at home maybe should not make it into your shopping cart.


Don’t keep high fructose corn syrup, or its artificial partner aspartame in your kitchen, don’t buy products with them in.



  1. Hypnotize yourself

Negativity isn’t something you’ve chosen to do, it is something your subconscious mind has developed as a protection mechanism for you.


Just as you can’t tell your fingernails to stop growing, it’s not easy to remove negativity or depression at a conscious level.


An inexpensive way to start is to listen to a hypnosis recording can be found on YouTube, for example:

·        Hypnosis for Clearing Subconscious Negativity


·        Rid Yourself of Negative Thoughts


·        Hypnosis Cleansing Unwanted Feelings and Negative Thinking


·        The Best Hypnosis for Removing Negativity from Your Mind


Find one that works for you.



  1. Don’t be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Self-doubt is grounded in fear, – fear that we will make mistakes or do the wrong thing. It is simply the fear of negative things happening. To overcome this fear, you will need to change your thought pattern.


We all make mistakes. So don’t allow mistakes to make you feel guilty and bad, rather, let them be your teacher.


Remember that you can recover from making a mistake, so do not allow the fear of making one intern you in self-doubt.


Know that just because you make mistakes does not mean you are a failure.



  1. Control Your Feelings

We were all born with the ability to make our decisions without influence from outside.


Self-doubt forces us to do things by placing outside pressure on us. To overcome it, you need to recognize that doubt is just a thought in your mind and only has the power to stop you from enjoying life if you allow it.



In Conclusion

Overcoming negativity begins with you by doing away with one habit and forming another one.


Everybody makes mistakes and has failures, but don’t dwell on them and instead look at them as learning experiences. By using the steps you have learnt to concentrate on your efforts towards rectifying or stopping them in the future, it will not take long for you to see how your endeavours will pay off.



Do you know about the “6 Day Challenge”?

We want to challenge you. 


Overwhelmed and Stressed – What Can You Do? | Ep. #127


The “6 Day Challenge”, is a free video series with many actionable tips & techniques that you can take and use to help improve your properties patronage and profit.


Whether you are operating a one-room bed & breakfast or a 500 room luxury hotel, there is always something new you could learn.


“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching”


It is important as a hospitality property owner or manager that you never stop learning.


So, what have you got to lose? Are you up for the challenge?


Sign up below and get immediate access to the first video.


If you like this video, let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and if you are going to employ any of these procedures.


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Thank you so much for your attention and let’s continue to work together to put heads in your beds.


Until next time, have a fun day.







⇒ And don’t forget to join the “6 Day Challenge” here:




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“How Do Successful People Deal with Negativity and Endure When Things Get Hard” download here




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Overwhelmed and Stressed – What Can You Do? | Ep. #127