

To improve the success of any hospitality property, your hotel, resort, inn or bed and breakfast, it is important to understand organisation structure, employee development, marketing, and how your guest sees your property.

Today, I’m going to share with you how you can grow in all these disciplines.

Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School.

I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson.



Today, I am excited to be talking about the Hospitality Property School Group and how we are opening the doors for you.


But before I begin, if have just stumbled on to this podcast for the first time and you don’t know who we are, let me tell you.



We are travel authorities that have come together with decades of hotel, resort, inn and bed & breakfast visitation experience.


This knowledge has given us at Keystone HDC the unique insight into the wants, needs, and requirements of the individual and group travellers, as well as the wants, needs and requirements of property owners and their employees.


Our aim, with these weekly podcasts, is to impart our expertise to owners and managers of hospitality properties.



Some of the topics that we have covered in past podcasts have included:

  • Organizational Structure


  • Employee Development


  • Hospitality Property Challenges


  • Customer Service


  • Revenue Management


  • Marketing


  • Social Media


And we have no intention of stopping.



We will continue to offer strategies to help you increase your patronage and profit while keeping your properties individual integrity.


And you never have to worry about taking notes when listening to these podcasts as all the key points and suggestions for each episode will be included in show notes on keystonehospitalitydevelopment.com.,



We want to make it easy for you to be able to benefit from our knowledge.



Your hospitality property can have the same success as Hilton, Marriott or Four Seasons. As successful as chains are today, they all started as one property. Stay until the end and I’ll tell you how.


Many hospitality property owners and managers are so consumed with the day-to-day operation of the property that maintaining or developing branding, enhanced marketing, ongoing employee training & facility upgrades are put on the back burner.



So what can happen if things start to slide?

  • You might begin to feel overwhelmed


  • Standards will start to drop


  • Morale will deteriorate


  • Customers will stop booking


  • Revenues will fly out the window



So, what can you do if you find yourself in a rut?


Humans are designed to be social and to learn from observation and experience.


You need a place you can turn to, where professional, such as yourself, understand what you are experiencing and you can share with you up to date advice, ideas, and strategies.



Introducing the Hospitality Property School Group



This group is a division of Keystone HDC and is designed to be beneficial to hospitality properties of all sizes and categories. From Bed & Breakfasts to Inn to Resorts to Hotels.


  • Within the group, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, share best practices, promote your property etc.


  • Every week a video will be posted with updates & answers to questions


  • Every month, 1 or 2 new training tutorials will be added to the group until the full Guide to Training Tutorials is posted. (They will be categorised as follows)
    • Organizational Structure
    • Employee Development
    • Marketing for Your Hospitality Properties (This will including using Social Media)
    • How to Look at your Hospitality Property as a Guest


  • We will share monthly interviews with hospitality property specialists on such topics as:
    • Customer Service
    • Property Management System
    • Guest Service
    • Website Design
    • Marketing
    • Employees Development
  • You will also have easy access to all the Hospitality Property School Video Podcasts archives as well as any new video podcasts as they are produced.


You will be able to watch the training tutorials, the video podcasts and listen to the interviews when it fits into your schedule.


This is your group, so we want you to benefit to the fullest.



If you go online and search social media sites, you can find groups in the hospitality property industry you could join, but none of them offers the social interaction, ongoing training tutorials, and interviews with industry specialists, and specials offer to help your property flourish.


If you are a hospitality property owner or manager and want to improve your bookings and profit, it is definitely worth a look.


Sign up to get your name on the exclusive list of members.



Still not sure?


Let me invited you for an inside tour of the “Hospitality Property School Group” Membership Site so you can see for yourself how you could benefit.



So, why have we started the Hospitality Property School Group?

The Hospitality Property School Group is designed to share knowledge, tips and techniques to likeminded hospitality property owners and managers who might not have the benefit of having an entire organization to support them.



What will you get as a member of the Hospitality Property School Group?

Well, let’s take a look at all you will have access to:



“Hospitality Property School Group” Sign up

When you get to the sign-up page you will find a brief explanation of the membership site and then you have the option to log in if you are already a member or fill in the form to register.


Information required included:

  • Name
  • Full Address
  • What type of property you are associated with
  • A username you wish to use for the site
  • Password – make sure it is strong
  • Answer the simple math question to prove you are human
  • And then choose your method of payment



Front Page

What you will find on the front page?


On top, you will find the menu with




















And find other ways to access








An explanation of who we are



Your way to ask us questions.

This is where we will pick questions to answer in the weekly Q & A section. I’ll talk more about that in a moment.


Share best practices and promote your property



At the bottom of the page are a list of the last ten Q & A posts



Hospitality Property School

These are all the archived podcast that have been recorded over the last year and a half.


Topics we have covered range from the use of social media to how to hire great employees and you are going to have them all at your fingertips.



Training Tutorials

These are amazing.


We have spent a couple of years putting together tutorials covering topics such as:

  • Organisational structure


  • Employee development


  • Marketing for your hospitality property


  • How do your customers see your hospitality property?



We will be adding the entire course to the membership site.


There is a lot to take in so we are going to be doing it a little at a time to make it easier to absorb.


We’ll be posting them under these headings and you will be receiving videos, audio, pdf and any additional pdf’s or videos that go with each lesson.


This is a well done in-depth course that will be of great benefit to any hospitality property.




These are going to be starting soon and will include interviews with professionals on

  • Customer Service


  • Property Management System 


  • Website Design


  • Marketing


  • Employee Development

                              Plus a lot more…



The INNsider

This is a fun section. These will be weekly answers to the questions that have been asked by you.



Member Specials

Specials will be popping up from time to time and this is where you will have access.


We promise that members will be amazing.




This is a section we are really excited about.


We will not only be adding books to here but courses that will be useful to hands-on owners and managers.


We will also be designing and developing a full operations manual. This alone will be worth its weight in gold for any hospitality property owner.


It will include:

  • Information about your site & location
  • Training Procedures
  • Your Properties Set-up
  • Supplies and Inventory
  • Personnel
  • Job Descriptions
  • Interviewing
  • Communicating and Personnel Policies
  • Employee Discipline



  • Customer Complaints
  • Meal Preparation Procedures
  • Inventory Management
  • Operational and Financial Reporting
  • Required Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Safety Procedures
  • Sales Procedures
  • Marketing

And so much more



*We are also going to starting a group forum so you can reach out to all the members.



As you can see, for a very small investment you are going to real incredible benefits and since this is your group you can ask for specific questions about situations that affect you and your property.


But don’t just take my word for it, I want to give you the opportunity to try it out yourself for a week for only $1.


You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.



Try it now by visiting




You can’t go wrong!



That’s it for this session of hospitality property school.


We appreciate your comments and if you have topic ideas or even items you would like to see us cover in the “Hospitality Property School Group” membership site, feel free to reach out to us in the comment section.


So, as always, let’s work together to put heads in your beds.


Until next time, have a fun day.








⇒ And don’t forget to join the “6 Day Challenge” here:





“The Hospitality Property School Group” –Check it Out for One Full Week for Only $1




The Keystone HDC Training Tutorials





How to Collect Email Addresses & Build Your Guest List “KeystoneHDC





Say hi on social:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KeystoneHDC

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KeystoneHDC

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/keystone-hospitality-development



Listen to The Hospitality Property School PODCAST here:








Running a Hotel | Ep. #126