

We are going to share more ways to improve your hospitality properties websites visibility.

Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School.

I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson and in our last podcast, I talked about 11 ways you could use to improve your website’s visibility.

Today, I am going to give you “14 More Ways to Improve Your Websites Visibility”.



Here are the 14 more tactics for you to use to drive traffic to your website.



  1. Guest Blogging

When you write a guest blog post, you normally get at least one link to your property in the author bio.


These do follow links can help you build domain authority on your website, drive traffic from the blog’s audience, and boost your rankings in the SERPs. Guest blogging is ideal for any property owner or manager who wants to boost traffic and rankings in one fell swoop.



  1. Guest Post Offers 

You can also let other people or business partners guest post on your blog to give them exposure, boost your site’s authority, and drive up traffic.


Just make sure you’re accepting guest posts from people who are passionate about your niche and who write well.



  1. Referral Traffic

Tracking referral traffic allows you to replicate previous success. If you have other bloggers link to one of your posts, write a similar post in the future, then send links to those bloggers.



  1. Add Internal Links

Internal links (links on a page that lead to other pages on your website) can boost SEO and drive more traffic. If someone visits more pages on your website, they’re more likely to book.



  1. Create Video Content

Even if you don’t use YouTube, you shouldn’t miss out on the power of video. Great videos help people solve real problems in an entertaining and engaging way, plus you can share them on social media. Videos get more views than text-based content.



  1. Use Social Media 

Don’t forget about social media when you want to drive more traffic to your website. Social media offers a dynamic platform for your content, regardless of your niche or industry.


Some of the most popular social media sites include the following:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn


Choose between one or two social media platforms at first, then add new ones once you master the initial picks. You don’t want to spread yourself too thin, but neither do you want to give up potential traffic.



  1. Promotional Advertising 

Paid advertising, whether on social media or search, can vastly increase your web traffic.


Many paid ads work best when combined with a can’t-miss specials.



  1. Interviews

Interviews often drive significant traffic, especially if the subject is an expert on something relevant to your region.



  1. Email Marketing

It’s a great way to remind your current and potential guests that you exist and to prompt them to visit your website.



  1. Making Sure Your Website is a Responsive Design

Responsive design fits the screen no matter how big or small it is. It renders perfectly across all devices, from smartphones to desktops.



  1. Speeding Up Your Website

A slow website can have a huge impact on web traffic? Not only do many people click away from a site that takes too long to load, but search engines also rank those websites lower.


You can speed up your website by reducing image sizes, caching the data, and using embeds sparingly.



  1. Industry Blog and Website Comments

Participate in other communities. Visit your favourite blogs and leave detailed, relevant comments. Reply to other commenters, as well, and let the author know when you appreciate their content.



  1. Competitive Research

To be able to compete on an even field, you have to know what your competitors are doing, how can you beat them at the website traffic game?


For example: If they post lots of videos, you need to post videos.


Your successful competitors likely create certain types of content because it works. You can skip doing your own research and jump right to the solution.



  1. Conferences and Travel Events

Attending conferences and travel events puts you directly in front of the people who matter most: current and potential customers.


Make sure you have business cards or other literature with your website’s URL to hand out.



In conclusion

Being found by potential guests is imperative for the success of any hospitality property and the over the last two podcasts, I have shared 25 methods you can use and help increase your bottom line.


If you have any stories about at “Improving Your Websites Visibility” and would like to share or have any questions or feedback you can leave them in the comments section of the show notes.



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Hospitality Property School is a division of Keystone HDC

How to Get My Website More Traffic | Ep. #107