If you are a hospitality property owner/manager and are consumed with your day-to-day operation, how can you find the time to grow your business?

Welcome to another edition of hospitality property school.

Today, I’m going to talk about the “The Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials.



But first, I have a couple of questions for you.


Do you own a hospitality property (Hotel, Resort, Inn, or Bed and Breakfast)?  


Do you feel like you’re spending all of your waking hours working or thinking about your hospitality property?


Are you so busy that you can’t find the time to do other things you need or want to do?


Many hospitality property owners and managers are so consumed with the day-to-day operation of their hospitality property that maintaining or developing branding, enhanced marketing, ongoing employee training & facility upgrades are often delayed or not considered.


So what can happen if things start to slide?

  • You might begin to feel overwhelmed
  • Your hospitality properties standards start to drop
  • You and your employee’s morale deteriorates
  • Guests will stop returning and new customers will not book
  • Revenue will fly out the window


So, what can you do if you are constantly running in circles or find yourself in this type of rut?

Humans are designed to be social and to learn from observation & experience. You need a place you can turn to, where professionals, such as yourself, understand what you are experiencing and can share with you up to date advice, ideas, and strategies.



Keystone Hospitality Development Consultant (HDC) has solutions for you.


The Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials 

If you are a serious hospitality property owner or manager who wishes to improve their Businesses Practices and Patronage while enjoying a Fun & Fulfilled Life as a Hospitality Property Proprietor, these training tutorials are for you.


“The Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials will show you more than just quick fix tactics, but instead how to develop successful long-term operation methods that if utilised,  will grow both your patronage and profit.


We at Keystone HDC understand how busy you are, so we divided the training tutorials into four separate, easy to follow series.


They include:

Series #1 – Hospitality Property Organizational Structure

What is and how to develop:

  • Your Organizational Strategy
  • Management Strategy
  • What Does Your Operation Manual Include
  • How Will I Know My Operations Manual Works?
  • What is Outsourcing?


Employee Development for Your Hospitality Property

  • Your People Mindset
  • How to Hire Winners
  • Can’t Afford Employee Training Programs- Think Again
  • How to Train For Success
  • Effective Communication
  • Improve Your Customer Service
  • How to Handle Customer Complaints
  • Educate to Upsell
  • How to Fire


Marketing for Your Hospitality Properties Success

  • Designing Your Marketing Strategy
  • Branding –What Makes You Stand Out?
  • Creating an Effective Website
  • Email & Guest List Building
  • How to Use Social Media
  • Customer Giveaways
  • The Benefit of Newsletters
  • How to Make Surveys Work for You


A Close Look at Your Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast

  • How Does Your Property Compare?
  • Become Your Own Guest
  • Is Your Property Accessible?
  • Is Your Restaurant Meeting its Potential?
  • How to Get Endless Referrals
  • Negative Reviews Are Good For Business


We have also included 3 Bonus Tutorials

  • Why My Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast Should Go Green
  • Trends to Watch in the Hospitality Industry
  • Hospitality Property Technology Trends


Each series includes easy to follow, step-by-step video tutorials, downloadable audio & PDF files, as well as any checklists applicable.


These training tutorials are the combined result of hospitality industry authorities, who have travelled worldwide for decades gathering hospitality property experience and expertise.


Whether your hospitality property is a one or two person Bed and Breakfast or a 500 room luxury hotel, a workable organizational strategy is a must. The training tutorials will explain why you need a strategy in place and how you can develop a customized plan for your own property.


Finding and retaining great employees can be a challenge in any hospitality industry. The techniques you will learn will rival the success of most worldwide hotel chains.


Your property can be running like a well-oiled machine and your staff can be incredible but if nobody knows you’re there – what’s the use? Marketing is like a live organism and that is constantly changing and we will show you what marketing techniques work and what to look for in the future.


And how you compared your competition? How do your guests see your property? Will show you ways to step back and look at your property objectively.


If you are a hospitality property owner or manager that at times struggles with the day to day operation of your hospitality property, are looking for better ways to utilize the hours in your day, hoping to increase your patronage or want to increase your bottom line, then click below to purchase.


“The Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials


These will help you stay two steps ahead of your competition.


We are so confident with the expertise, research, and many, many hours we have put into the development of “The Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials that if for any reason you do not feel you are receiving any benefit within 30 days of purchase, we will refund your money.


Now that’s a guarantee!


If you have been following the hospitality property school podcasts and have visited the show notes, you might have seen an offer to the

“The Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials 


By taking advantage of this offer you would’ve saved 25% off the entire training tutorial course.




This offer will soon be coming to an end.


By taking advantage now, you will not only save 25% off the entire training course but will also be given access to the hospitality property school group for the next six months – FREE!


This group is designed to be beneficial to hospitality properties of all sizes and categories. From Bed & Breakfasts to Inn to Resorts to Hotels.

  • Within the group, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, share best practices, promote your property etc.
  • Every week a video will be posted with updates & answers to the questions
  • We will share monthly interviews with hospitality property specialists on such topics as:
    • Customer Service
    • Property Management System
    • Hotel Guest Service
    • Hotel Website Design
    • Hotel Marketing
    • Employees
  • You will also have easy access to all the Hospitality Property School Video Podcasts archives as well as any new video podcasts as they are produced.


You will be able to watch the training tutorials, the video podcasts and listen to the interviews when it fits into your schedule.


As I said, you will be given access to the hospitality property school group for the next six months – FREE!

That is a saving of $222

Don’t miss out!


This offer will end without prior notice so act now by clicking the link below or visiting






That’s it for this session of hospitality property school.

We appreciate your comments and if you have topic ideas, feel free to reach out to use on


Facebook at facebook.com/keystonehdc

Twitter at twitter.com/keystonehdc


Or email at




So, as always, let’s work together to put heads in your beds.

Until next time, have a fun day.




Hospitality Property SchoolFor listeners of the Hospitality Property School Podcast

we are offering an additional savings of

25% off the


“The Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast”

Training Tutorials


This offer will end without prior notice so act now by visiting …





Music Credit:

Sun Spark



Improve Your Business & Increase Your Bottom Line!
Get Your Free
“Customer Service for Independent Hotels or Bed & Breakfasts” Studies



Hospitality Property School is a division of Keystone HDC




KHDC 056 - How to Develop Successful Methods for Your Hospitality Property