Want to stand out from your competition? Here are 15 ways you can make your hospitality property memorable.

Welcome to another edition of hospitality property school.

Today, I’m going to talk about more ways to make your hospitality property memorable.



In our last podcast, I talked about 25 ways to make your hospitality property memorable.


I shared ideas about how your property looks, how to get your guests involved, how to say in touch, and promotions just to name a few.


If you have not heard it, the post can be found at




Today, I would like to give you 15 more ways you can make your hospitality property memorable.


  • Call before check in

It’s 6:00 pm and you still have a number of your arrivals due to come in. Spend a few minutes and call all of your arrivals and let them know you are expecting them.


  • Welcome local artists to display their work in your lobby

People are naturally charmed to pleasing things, this is why art is a good way of making your property more memorable among travellers, especially if it’s interesting, inviting, and creates a visually stimulating experience for your guests. You can encourage them to take pictures together with the art you display so they can share these photos on social media.


  • Welcome Returning Guest Back

Everyone likes to feel special so when you have returning guests, use their name. You want them to recognize that they are returning, so give them what they want.


  • Novelty Offerings

Not everything in life should have a logical explanation behind it.

Creating a few novelty offerings for your guests is a great way to redefine the experience that they get while staying at your property. It does not have to be extravagant. As long as it’s something out of the ordinary and creates a spectacle, then you’re good to go. For example a drink in affordable glass containers or clear vases and serve your own version of enormous drinks. A simple spectacle that days after travellers have left your hotel, they would still be talking about it and sharing their stories with their friends.


  • Arranging Dinner Plans

Everyone has to eat. Asking a guest “Do you have dinner plans?” is an easy topic of conversation. Offering to give recommendations will be much appreciated to the traveller that has not had time to even think about it.  You should ask them “What are you in the mood for?” If you have a restaurant on site you could recommend a menu option. If the request is not available on your menu then identify a local landmark.


  • Upgrade

If you are sitting at around 50% occupancy for the night, does it really cost you more money to give an upgrade? Can you remember the last time you received an upgrade? I bet you do.


  • Fold Towels in shape of an animal

Yes, I know the cruise lines do this, but it rarely fails to get at least a smile. It is still a welcome surprise to walk into a room with something that shows a little extra care and attention.


  • Call after problem

A guest calls the front desk with a problem, send someone over to fix the problem.  When the job is finished?  Call the guest right back and ask if everything was fixed to their satisfaction.


  • Weather Forecast during the wake-up call

Don’t just call and say here is your wake up call. Make the first conversation your guests will have that day be better than expected. Suggest “bundling up” because it’s cold outside or asks if they will need an umbrella because it should be raining all day.


  • “Yes, I cleaned here”sign

How clean is my room?  It may look clean just like any other room, but what about the things I don’t see.  Hide a note underneath the bed stating the housekeeper’s name and today’s date. You could also offer a free beverage if they bring the sign to the desk or restaurant.


  • Provide Bikes to Borrow

If beneficial, implement a bike lending program. This is extremely effective especially if your hotel’s location is near points of interest and scenic tourism spots. Make sure that you prepare the necessary documents and agreements before starting this project.


  • Brand name shampoos, soaps and lotions

It may cost you a little more per room to have brand name shampoos, soaps and lotions sitting on the bathroom counter, but they do educe a positive response from your guests. Everyone knows that these small items get taken as little souvenirs. Consider the extra costs for upgraded bath products an investment in marketing and happiness.


  • Don’t let them go hungry

People often associate eating with happiness. You can also trigger those emotions by offering free cookies or snacks at the front desk, having an informal evening wine and cheese party or serving hot cocoa during the winter months.


  • Families like to travel

When families travel with young children, they always appreciate it when you go beyond the expected and make it a priority to focus on the young ones. Having baby cribs, games and colouring books, and maybe even handing out little-stuffed animals to small children when a family arrives, makes it obvious that your hotel is a good place for families to stay.


  • Take a creative approach to room service

If you do not have an onsite restaurant or a kitchen that can prepare meals, you can still offer the convenience of room service by thinking a little creatively. Forge a relationship with several of the local restaurants that offer delivery service. They can prepare meals off-site and deliver them to hungry people who do not feel like going out for dinner. The restaurants will love getting additional business and you will take another step toward making your new friends happier.



I would like to leave you with this thought:

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.

Henry Ford



In Conclusion

  • Call before check in
  • Welcome local artists to display their work in your lobby
  • Welcome Returning Guest Back
  • Novelty Offerings
  • Dinner Plans
  • Upgrade
  • Fold Towels in shape of an animal
  • Call after problem
  • Weather Forecast during the wake-up call
  • “Yes, I cleaned here” sign
  • Provide Bikes to Borrow
  • Use brand name shampoos, soaps and lotions
  • Don’t let them go hungry
  • Families like to travel
  • Take a creative approach to room service


I would like to know what you have done to make your hospitality property memorable. Is there one little thing that makes your property unique? If you would like to share or have any questions or feedback you can leave them in the comments section of the show notes.


You can also find a “property inspection form” that you can download and use your own hospitality property.


That’s it for this session of hospitality property school.

We appreciate your comments and if you have topic ideas, feel free to reach out to use on


Facebook at facebook.com/keystonehdc

Twitter at twitter.com/keystonehdc


Or email at




So, as always, let’s work together to put heads in your beds.

Until next time, have a fun day.




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KHDC 047 -15 More Ways to How to Make Your Hospitality Property Memorable