Unleash Growth: Elevate Your Hotel Operational Efficiency With Advanced Process Intelligence!-008

In the fast-paced world of hospitality, owners and managers face the constant challenge of improving hotel operational efficiency while outperforming the competition. The rapid technological advancement has made it imperative for hotels to adopt innovative, automated solutions that streamline operations, saving both time and money. Today’s episode is a guest post written by Courtney Rosenfeld. . Enter the realm of advanced process intelligence solutions, tailor-made for the hospitality industry. Keystone HPD explores the myriad ways these dynamic software tools can [...]

Unleash Growth: Elevate Your Hotel Operational Efficiency With Advanced Process Intelligence!-0082024-02-29T15:42:32+01:00

Stay Competitive: The Power of Real-time Monitoring in Vacation Rental Operations-008

If you're operating in the vacation rental sector, you know the importance of efficiency and staying ahead in a fiercely competitive market. The rapid advancement of technology has made it imperative for businesses to adopt automated solutions that not only save time and money but also streamline your vacation rental operations. Today’s episode is a guest post written by Courtney Rosenfeld. . Enter advanced process intelligence solutions – your new best friend in business optimization. When utilized effectively, these powerful [...]

Stay Competitive: The Power of Real-time Monitoring in Vacation Rental Operations-0082024-01-24T11:27:32+01:00

How to Price My Vacation Rental | Strategies For Rates-007

Have you ever found yourself pondering late at night, ‘To charge or not to charge – and if so, how much?’ We're diving into how to price my vacation rental, and trust me, it's more art than science. But no worries, we've got your palette and brush ready. Alright, so we've all been there – staring at our screens, trying to nail the perfect price for our vacation rental. Too high, and crickets might be your only guests. Too low? Well, [...]

How to Price My Vacation Rental | Strategies For Rates-0072024-01-24T11:29:15+01:00

Hotel Pricing Strategies: Juggling Demand Profit-007

Alright, hotel aficionados, today, we're diving into the wild and sometimes whimsical world of hotel pricing strategies! We're going to crack the code on making sure your hotel's cash register is singing, and your guests still feel like they snagged the deal of the century. Let's break it down to hotel pricing strategies. Dynamic Duo Pricing: Make sure you grab the right Revenue Management Software. It's like having a crystal ball that tells you when to charge that extra bit [...]

Hotel Pricing Strategies: Juggling Demand Profit-0072024-01-24T10:28:43+01:00

Steps To A Profitable B&B Pricing Strategy | Turning B&B Beds Into Bucks-007

Alright folks, have you ever wondered if the price of that cozy room with the stunning view was plucked from thin air? Or if there’s some magic formula behind it? Well, for all your bed and breakfast heroes out there, let’s talk about how to set your B&B pricing strategy. You see, the price tag on that fluffy pillow isn't just about covering the cost of your world-famous banana pancakes. Oh no, it's a meticulous art, a dance between being [...]

Steps To A Profitable B&B Pricing Strategy | Turning B&B Beds Into Bucks-0072024-03-11T15:16:15+01:00

Vacation Rental Maintenance | From Clogged Drains to 5-Star Reviews-006

Have you ever had that 'oh no, not now!' moment when something breaks just as your guests are checking in? Yep, the unpredictable world of vacation rental maintenance! Let's dive into some lifesaving (or at least vacation-saving) hacks for both the pesky day-to-day upkeep and those sudden, unexpected 'adventures' in repairs. Vacation Rental Maintenance Tips Keep a Calendar, Not Just for Birthdays! After waving goodbye to your guests, do a little detective work. Play 'Spot the Difference' with how the [...]

Vacation Rental Maintenance | From Clogged Drains to 5-Star Reviews-0062024-03-12T15:58:23+01:00

Hotel Maintenance | From Leaks to Tech Tweaks-006

Hey, hoteliers! You know those days when you think everything’s sailing smoothly and then – bam! – an unexpected maintenance issue pops up? Well, let's dive into this unpredictable world of hotel maintenance, where the only constant is… surprise! So how can you get a handle on some of those hotel maintenance surprises? The Preventative Magic: Think of it like your annual health check-up but for your hotel. Systematic inspections, super detailed equipment logs, and hey – train your whole [...]

Hotel Maintenance | From Leaks to Tech Tweaks-0062024-01-24T10:30:20+01:00

Bed and Breakfast Maintenance | Bed, Breakfast & Bolts-006

Have you ever felt like your quaint establishment has the temperament of a moody teenager, throwing surprise tantrums just when you thought things were sailing smoothly? Yep, we're talking about the 'M' word – Maintenance. What can you do about bed and breakfast maintenance? Now, a drip here, and a creak there might seem small. But guess who's most likely to notice? Mrs. Jones in Room 3, who'll take it upon herself to mention it in her otherwise glowing TripAdvisor [...]

Bed and Breakfast Maintenance | Bed, Breakfast & Bolts-0062024-03-11T14:39:15+01:00

How to Control Hotel Maintenance Costs | Smart Moves for Owners-005

Do you ever feel like your hotel's bills are conspiring against you? Like every time you turn a corner, there's a utility or maintenance costs waiting to jump out and shout, 'Surprise!'? Let's dive into the world of hotel maintenance costs. Alright, so the number one party crasher? Rising costs. It's like they're on a constant uphill hike without the scenic view. But fear not, we've got some great moves to counteract those pesky expenses: . Tips for controlling hotel [...]

How to Control Hotel Maintenance Costs | Smart Moves for Owners-0052024-01-24T10:32:02+01:00

What Are Bed and Breakfast Operating Costs?-005

 Alright B&B enthusiasts, let's talk money! Ever felt like your bed and breakfast operating costs are that monster under the bed? Let’s pull out our torchlights and tackle it together. Ah, operating costs. They creep up like that unexpected in-law visit and can be just as uncomfortable. And let's face it, juggling those rising bills for utilities, maintenance, and services is no one's idea of a fun Saturday night. But fear not! Here are some savvy tricks to keep [...]

What Are Bed and Breakfast Operating Costs?-0052024-03-11T14:19:59+01:00
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