November 2016
KHDC 013 – What Everybody Ought to Know About Customer Service
Any business can offer good or basic customer service but what do your guests expect and how can you fulfil their expectations? Welcome to another addition of hospitality property school. I’m your host Gerry [...]
KHDC 012 – Effective Communication Will Improve Your Property
Communication is something we do automatically - like breathing. But effective communication actually takes quite a bit of skill. Welcome to another addition of hospitality property school. I’m your host Gerry MacPherson and today [...]
KHDC 011 – Employee Training Programs
A good hospitality property trainer will have to understand the material and what’s expected of the employees in their new position. Welcome to another addition of hospitality property school. I’m your host Gerry [...]
October 2016
KHDC 010 – The Importance of Employee Training
A sure-fire way to help your business grow is to train your employees, not just when they are hired but ongoing. Welcome to another addition of hospitality property school. I’m your host Gerry [...]
KHDC 009 – How to Interview for Winners
To find great employees you have to have a consistent interview process has to be scripted the same way every time. Welcome to another addition of hospitality property school. I’m your host Gerry MacPherson [...]
KHDC 008 – Your People Strategy and Having the Right Mindset
To be a successful hospitality property role model for your employees, you need to have the right mindset strategy. Welcome to another addition of hospitality property school. Today we are going to talk [...]