March 2019
Hotel and Bed & Breakfast Interview Questions | Ep. #138
. . For many of you, hiring season is almost here and if you’re lucky, you have a pool of people you know to draw from to work at your property. If not, how do [...]
Twitter for Your Hotel or Bed and Breakfast | Ep. #137
. . With so many social media options available, why should you consider Twitter as a marketing option? I’ll give you facts to help you decide. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I [...]
February 2019
Pinterest for Your Hotel or Bed and Breakfast | Ep. #136
. . The impact of Pinterest is growing every year and gives a property the opportunity to share its personality, values and the best it has to offer but is it right for your property? [...]
Instagram for Your Hotel or Bed and Breakfast | Ep. #135
. . Visual content is said to be one of the most important components when it comes to marketing for business. Instagram is such a visual platform, it cuts through the clutter and could help your property [...]
Benefits of a Facebook Business Page| Ep. #134
. . . With all the bad press from Facebook the last couple of years, should you bother including it in your marketing strategy? In today’s edition, I’ll give you the facts. Welcome to another [...]
LinkedIn – Does it Work? | Ep. #133
. . Is it worth including LinkedIn in your properties marketing strategy? I will share benefits and tips for a LinkedIn Company Page to help you decide. Welcome to another edition of hospitality property school. [...]