June 2019
Your Employee Training Procedure – Step By Step | Ep. #150
. . Are you happy if your hotel, resort, inn or bed and breakfast is doing so-so? . A sure-fire way to help your business grow is to train your employees and I’m going [...]
You Have to Have Operations Manual for Your Property | Ep. #149
Many hospitality properties collapse simply because they failed to set up good business operations manual. . It doesn’t matter the size of your property, a good operations manual will reduce human error and [...]
May 2019
OK, This Was Unexpected… | Ep. #148
. . Things can change so fast and you have to be able to roll with the punches. . If you have been a follower of the Keystone HDC or the Hospitality Property School [...]
How Keystone HDC Started & Who is Gerry MacPherson? | Ep. #147
. . What gives me the right to tell you how your property should be run? Stay with me and I will tell you. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your [...]
Upgrade Your Success | Ep. #146
I’m excited and you’re going to benefit. Let me explain how. Welcome to another edition of hospitality property school. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . . . If you have been checking your [...]
April 2019
16 Additional Marketing Ideas to Attract More Guests | Ep. #145
. . Today, you are going to find the competition on every corner. How are you going to stand out from the crowd? I have 16 ways you can do this. Welcome to another edition [...]