July 2020
Different Types of Hotels – What is Yours? | Ep. #203
. . Do you own or manage a hospitality property? What type of hotel are you? I am going to tell you about the differences. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am [...]
Revenue Management – How to Set It Up | Ep. #202
. . Your guest room is a perishable product so pricing & customer happiness remain extremely important variables. To stay on top you need to understand revenue management and why it is important. I’ll explain. Welcome [...]
Outsourcing for My Hotel, Resort, Inn & Bed & Breakfast | Ep. #201
. . Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Too much to do and not enough time? I’m going to give you a solution to take some of that stress of your plate. Welcome to another edition [...]
Mission Statement & Why You Need One – Plus More | Ep. #200
. Why do you want to own & operate a hospitality property? I’ll give you a way to answer that question that should increase your bookings. Also, this is our 200th episode and we [...]
June 2020
How Will I Know My Operations Manual Works? | Ep. #199
. . You want to have an operations manual for your property but how do you know it’s worth the time putting together. I will show you how to make sure it works. Welcome to [...]
Your Operation Manual – What You Need to Include | Ep. #198
. . Do you have a photographic memory? Do your employees? If not, you need an operations manual. I’m going to tell you what should be in it. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property [...]