April 2021
Website Design: 22 Tips to Keep Your Visitors Happy | Ep. #239
. . It’s important for customers to like your website design because the longer they stay, the higher the chance they will book. Here’s what you need to do. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality [...]
A Step by Step Guide to Build an Email List | Ep. #238
. . The idea of attracting both new guests to book and past guests to rebook is attractive, and there is no better way to leave an impression than to be able to reach out [...]
Asking for Referrals Can be Hard – Here’s How to Make it Easier | Ep. #237
. . Asking for referrals is hard! I will show you how to make it a natural part of your life as a hotelier/innkeeper and increase your bookings. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property [...]
March 2021
Online Reputation Management – Proven Techniques | Ep. #236
. . If you have a bad online reputation or it’s lacking, you’re losing money. I will share just how important your online reputation is and how a good one can be the difference between [...]
How to Use Customer Referral Programs & Boost Bookings | Ep. #235
. . When things start returning to normal, do you want customers knocking down your door to book? I’m going to share a proven method, referral programs, to improve your chances. Welcome to another edition [...]
Conduct Market Research & Not Break the Bank | Ep. #234
. . Knowing your market is imperative for any successful hotel, resort, inn, bed & breakfast etc. but research can be expensive. Here are ways you can conduct market research without much money or training. [...]