March 2022
18 Qualities of a Top Hotel Manager | Ep. #284
. . A successful manager requires a perfect mixture of skilful hospitality & tight organizational skills, never settling for less than A +. I’m going to share 18 qualities of a top hotel manager. Welcome [...]
10 Productivity Traits That Waste Time | Ep. #283
. . Operating a hospitality property is a never-ending journey that requires your constant and continuous attention. I am going to highlight 10 productivity traits that waste time and ways to correct them. Welcome to [...]
7 Verified Techniques to Boost Security at Your Hospitality Property | Ep. #282
‘ . As a hotel-resort-bed & breakfast etc. owner/manager, your goals are to operate at a profit and keep your guests and employees happy and safe. To achieve the last goal, it is imperative to [...]
February 2022
Jim Snediker – CEO of Stock Mfg – Hotel Restaurant Uniforms | Ep. #281
. . Uniforms Are an Important Aspect of Branding We will be talking uniforms with Jim Snediker of Stock Mfg. . . Our interview this month is going to be with Jim Snediker, co-founder and [...]
33 Amenity Ideas You Need To Consider Now | Ep. #280
. . No two hospitality property guests are identical. Each will arrive with their own opinions, expectations, & hopes. Due to these differences, you need the right amenities to cater to their unique needs. Here [...]
7 Reasons Guest Satisfaction Has Dropped | Ep. #279
. . While the relaxing of restrictions in some regions of the world has been a good thing for cash-strapped property owners, an alarming and unprecedented drop in guest satisfaction has emerged. What caused this [...]