A sure-fire way to help your business grow is to train your employees, not just when they are hired but ongoing.


Let me ask you something.

“Do you have a small property, just a couple of employees but you seem to be doing most of the work?”


“Do you have a property running on a shoestring budget, with limited employees that are overworked?”


“Are you so busy that you cannot find the time to think about additional training for your employees?”


“Do you have high turnover?”


If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions, there is no doubt in my mind you’re leaving money on the table and over the years have probably lost some excellent employees.

I have not talked to many hospitality property owners who said: “I’m very happy if my business is so-so.” Most owners want their properties to be successful. Being organised is a great start but a sure-fire way to help your business grow is to train your employees. And I don’t mean just when they are hired, it has to be ongoing.


You might think these questions.

  • “Why would I want to take on the extra expense?”
  • “When are we going to find the time?”
  • “And if I train my employees, won’t they leave for better opportunities?”


Training can improve employee morale, business performance, help increases your profits and if you have a properly organised system, you can find the time.


Let’s dig into this a little further. Here are some advantages to training your employees.

  • You can choose the training to give your staff
  • Trained employees will be better equipped to handle customer
  • You are showing your employees that you value them by investing
  • Employees that are continually trained feel more stability in their job
  • Training is an excellent recruiting tool
  • Training promotes job satisfaction
  • Trained employees look for the next new challenge
  • Training adds flexibility and efficiency to your employees
  • By spreading knowledge around among your employees, you will help save a lot of time and stress if someone suddenly leaves the property
  • Training gives seasonal workers a reason to return.
  • When employees acquire new skills their self-esteem increases
  • When employees are trained, they stay fresh and motivated


Learning and upgrading employee skills makes good business sense. It has to start from day one and becomes successive as your employees grow.

Now, it may take some time to see a return on your investment, but the long-term gains associated with employee training make a huge difference down the road.


That that is a better return than you can get at most banks.


Another good reason to invest in your employees is the cost of turnover. Consider the cost of replacing an employee.


So, when is a good time to train?

  • When performance appraisal shows performance improvement is needed
  • As part of succession planning to help an employee be prepared for new roles at your property
  • When testing new systems
  • As part of an overall professional development program, and these could include themes such as:
    • Communications
    • Diversity
    • Computer skills
    • Customer service
    • Ethics
    • Human relations
    • Safety
    • Sexual harassment


Too often, independent hotel or bed and breakfast owners fail to see the value in providing a formal training program. This is where you have to think like a president and not a shareholder.


Developing a training program

To find out more about how to set up training programs, check out our training tutorials at keystonehospitalitydevelopment.com


Something to keep in mind

Most business owners think they are good leaders by default.  Sorry to dissolution you but this is not always the case. Property owners should be trained as well. It is OK to admit you don’t know everything.

As in all topics in your Operations Manual, your employee training has to be step-by-step.


Are you interested in other proven techniques to find new guests?

If so, I have a great (and free) 5 part video series that I can send you a link to. They are the result of years of travel & experience.


If you’d like to see them, just it the button below to get access.


Employee Training Will Grow Your Business


And if you’re not interested, no worries at all.

Either way, I wish you success in getting more heads in your beds.