Welcome and thanks for joining us for the

“How to Improve Your Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfasts Success:

5 part Video Series

The 1st in the series 

“How to Improve your Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfasts Success”

will be showing up in your inbox tomorrow but today we thought it would be important to tell you who we are.


So Who Are We and Why Did We Produce This Video Series?


I hope you enjoy the series.




Gerry MacPhersonGerry MacPherson is a travel authorities and partner at Keystone Hospitality Development Consulting.  With over two decades of Hotel and Bed & Breakfast visitation experience, Gerry knowledge has given him a unique insight into the wants, needs and requirements of individual and group travellers, as well as management and employees.


Get your free copy of “Customer Service for Independent Hotels or Bed & Breakfasts” Case Study.

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