How to Research Your Blog Articles

I last posted an article called the “Write About Things You Know Nothing About & Be an Authority”. That was just the beginning. It was about how to attract guests to your property by using a blog; highlighting the best of what you & your region have to offer all the while sounding like an authority. In the post I reviewed ideas of the type of things you could write about: About you Your hospitality properties history The region’s history [...]

How to Research Your Blog Articles2016-10-05T10:12:07+02:00

How to Give Your Organizational Structure a JumpStart

  I have heard this same story may times. The idea of starting your own Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast had been on your mind for a long time. Being your own boss sounded appealing and you visualised yourself chit-chatting with customers, sharing stories, being known far and wide as the kindly innkeeper.   It was a delightful and starry-eyed image.   Now that you have taken the leap and you own your own Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast, [...]

How to Give Your Organizational Structure a JumpStart2016-09-01T12:47:13+02:00

How to Open a Hotel Training Course

Do you imagine leaving your current job with the romantic idea of operating your own Inn or Hotel? Do you feel you would need Hotel Training? Do you know where to start?   You should start by asking yourself a couple of other questions.   Where is the ideal location for my hospitality property? What employees are going to be required? How am I going to find guests? How can I get them to return?   These questions are just to [...]

How to Open a Hotel Training Course2016-08-18T04:53:28+02:00

Photography and Your Hospitality Property – Part II

This post is the second of a two-part series.   In the last post, I asked you to use your imagination and book a hotel room.   You visit an online booking site and compare the pictures from two different hotels. Your first choice looks nice but is not available. Your second choice looks dark and dingy but the location is perfect so you book.   You arrive to find an amazing property and that your presumption was totally inaccurate. [...]

Photography and Your Hospitality Property – Part II2016-07-21T13:53:38+02:00

Photography and Your Hospitality Property

Photography and Your Hospitality Property For this post I want you to start by using your imagination. Imagine you have a few days to yourself and you want to get away, to a hotel or bed & breakfast just to unwind.   You go to your favourite hospitality booking engine and start looking for a place. You find a location and a property that looks promising.  You go through the booking procedure only to find out the hotel is full [...]

Photography and Your Hospitality Property2016-07-14T11:56:56+02:00

Video Marketing for Business

Video Marketing for business is more and more important. Do you watch videos, if available when checking out a product or a service? Are you using video to market your property? Do you know how to go about getting your own property promotional video? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, odds are you’ve experienced video marketing in some capacity, either as a customer or a business owner. ReelSEO released their Video Marketing Survey and Business [...]

Video Marketing for Business2016-05-11T10:44:27+02:00

Managing Your Hotel or Bed & Breakfasts Online Reputation

Effectively marketing and care of your hotel or bed and breakfasts online reputation is very important to the success of your business and you can help improve by following these into 9 significant details.   Keep your Website Design Simple A business website layout can be crucial to the success of your online appearance and often websites are overlooked when it comes to trying to present a property’s persona.  Although it’s great to include as much information as possible on [...]

Managing Your Hotel or Bed & Breakfasts Online Reputation2016-03-03T04:32:42+01:00

Mistakes You are Making with Your Brand

Are you at the point with your business that you know branding is important but that you’re so far behind that you don’t know where to start? You probably have questions about what to do and how to do it. This cyclical mindset is one that troubles more people in the hotel and Bed & Breakfast industry than are willing to admit. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to build your brand. The following are some of [...]

Mistakes You are Making with Your Brand2016-03-03T04:47:27+01:00

How to Increase Profits with Your Hotel Restaurant

Do you have a hotel restaurant at your property that sits empty most of the day? Do the local population patronize your hotel restaurant?   Would you like extra income from your hotel restaurant help your bottom line?   This will be hard to achieve but if you make sure the menu is realistic and stay consistent, you might have a chance at additional profit. So let look at a list of some ways you can make this work. Create a [...]

How to Increase Profits with Your Hotel Restaurant2020-07-02T12:29:12+02:00

14 Ways to WOW Your Customers

How often do you think about how to “WOW Your Customers”? If you have customers say WOW about your property and its service every day, then you are the right track and you don't need to read this post. If not, then I have 14 Ways to WOW Your Customers so they want to return. The essence of being a great host is showing your guests you care, great customer service and that they are your number one concern. I have [...]

14 Ways to WOW Your Customers2015-12-02T14:34:53+01:00
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