What Everybody Ought to Know About Hotel Social Media Marketing

The importance of social media and why you need an online presence for your hospitality property to compete.

The last few months I have spent many hours on my computer visiting many websites of Independent Hotels and Bed & Breakfasts. The purpose was to see what sites were working and which were not.


During this research, I was surprised by something I noticed.


How many hospitality properties do not have a social media presence and I don’t just mean on their website but no Twitter, Facebook or YouTube accounts at all.


I was also surprised to see how many hospitality properties do not have a way to collect email addresses on their websites or were mobile phone friendly.



I have asked a couple of hospitality property owners about this and was given a number of reasons such as,


“I don’t know how they work”


“I don’t have the time to spend online”



And one actually said


“If people what to stay here, they can find me”


If the sale of room nights is not a problem, then there is no reason to worry about social media but if you want to improve your sales and increase return business, then social media is crucial.



The will be extra work but as I said in an earlier post “short-term pain for long-term gain”.



Let me share some statistics with you. I have gathered these from statisticbrain.com which is used by such organizations such as ForbesCNNABCThe Huffington Post as a research tool, from socialmediadd.com and youtube.com/statistics.



These statistics are from a couple of years ago

  • Internet travel booking revenue has grown by more than 73% over the past five years.


  • Many people will check out booking engines on the internet before booking a hotel and then visit the properties website for more information.


  • Annual online travel sales have increased from $93.8 billion in 2007 to $162.4 billion in 2012.


  • Number of travel bookings made on the internet each year   148.3 million


  • Percent of all travel reservations made on the internet           57 %


  • Percent of same-day hotel reservations made from a smartphone      65 %


  • Facebook has some 1.11 billion monthly active users, as of March 2013. The number is up 23 % from last year.


  • Facebook has 751 million users checking the social network from their mobiles, as of March 2013. The number of users has increased by 54%, from one year earlier.


  • Currently, on an average, people like 4.5 billion items daily on Facebook, up 67% from August last year.


  • People are sharing more and more on Facebook. On an average, some 4.75 billion pieces of content are shared daily on the social network, up 94% from 2.45 billion in August 2012.


  • There were 8 million local business pages on Facebook in June 2012. Fast forward a year, and the number is 16 million currently; a 100% jump.
  • Twitter has 500 million users with 200 million active


  • Over 460k new accounts created every day, 177 million tweets sent per day, + 182% in mobile Twitter users in the past year.



And then there is YouTube.

Some of you might be saying, YouTube, I don’t have a cute kitten, why would I use YouTube?


  • YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet with 1 billion users and 4 billion users per day


  • More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month


  • Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube—that’s almost an hour for every person on Earth, and 50% more than last year

Should you upload videos for your property – Absolutely!



I have given you some amazing statistics which should urge you to consider more social media but you might be asking – How?  How do I begin and benefit fully from social media?  We look further into this in future episodes.


“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” – Bill Gates


If you have any interesting stories about social media and would like to share or have any questions or feedback you can leave them in the comments section.



With this in mind, we want to challenge you. 

We want to challenge you to the 6 Day Challenge.


Hotel Social Media Marketing.

We at Keystone HDC have taken our years of experience as hospitality property authorities and have produced the


“6 Day Challenge“


A video series with many actionable tips & techniques that you can take and use to help improve your properties patronage and profit.


And the most exciting thing with this video series– it’s 100% Free!


This 6 Day Challenge will take you step by step through the process of operating a successful hospitality property, including:


  • Determining What Type of Owner/Manager You Are
  • How to Set Up an Organisational Structure
  • Secrets to Great Customer Service
  • How to Market Effectively
  • How to Benefit From Social Media
  • How to Make Your Guests Want to Return



Whether you are operating a one-room bed & breakfast or a 500 room luxury hotel, there is always something new you could learn.


As a famous quote says


“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching”


It is important as a hospitality property owner or manager that you never stop learning.


So, what have you got to lose? Are you up for the challenge?





Sign up and get immediate access to the first video.


Good Luck!



Welcome to Your 6 Day Challenge
