Photography and Your Hospitality Property – Part II

This post is the second of a two-part series.   In the last post, I asked you to use your imagination and book a hotel room.   You visit an online booking site and compare the pictures from two different hotels. Your first choice looks nice but is not available. Your second choice looks dark and dingy but the location is perfect so you book.   You arrive to find an amazing property and that your presumption was totally inaccurate. [...]

Photography and Your Hospitality Property – Part II2016-07-21T13:53:38+02:00

Video Marketing for Business

Video Marketing for business is more and more important. Do you watch videos, if available when checking out a product or a service? Are you using video to market your property? Do you know how to go about getting your own property promotional video? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, odds are you’ve experienced video marketing in some capacity, either as a customer or a business owner. ReelSEO released their Video Marketing Survey and Business [...]

Video Marketing for Business2016-05-11T10:44:27+02:00

Promoting Your Hospitality Property with Video

Have you ever asked yourself “What can I do to make my hotel listing stand out from the rest?” Did you know almost 60% of leisure travelers use video to help them research hotels? Video can be one of your strongest marketing tools. Studies have shown 30% of people remember what they see 20% of people remember what they hear 70% of people remember what they see & hear 50% of people would like to see videos on your website [...]

Promoting Your Hospitality Property with Video2015-12-01T12:33:56+01:00
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