How to Give Your Organizational Structure a JumpStart

  I have heard this same story may times. The idea of starting your own Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast had been on your mind for a long time. Being your own boss sounded appealing and you visualised yourself chit-chatting with customers, sharing stories, being known far and wide as the kindly innkeeper.   It was a delightful and starry-eyed image.   Now that you have taken the leap and you own your own Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast, [...]

How to Give Your Organizational Structure a JumpStart2016-09-01T12:47:13+02:00

Ways to Become the Best Hotel Front Office Manager

  Ways to Become the Best Hotel Front Office Manager In a hotel, first impressions are everything. The way your front desk staff greets and attends to customers can make or break the image of your hotel. And like every good leaders, a front office manager leads from the front. If you can develop into a good manager, it is possible to lead by example and your staff will get the right knowledge and training from you to succeed in [...]

Ways to Become the Best Hotel Front Office Manager2016-04-28T07:34:38+02:00

Strategies for Practicing a Successful Mindset

You may have heard that adopting an effective mindset may be a major step to your ability to succeed. Perhaps it’s really the only factor as your mindset drives everything else. But what does that really mean, to guide with a successful mindset? In the day-to-day of life and business, how does one keep a successful mindset amidst conflict, demanding clients, chaos and responsibility? I'm able to guarantee something you may experience being a business owner - change. The path [...]

Strategies for Practicing a Successful Mindset2016-03-30T04:30:17+02:00

10 Best Customer Service Moments Ever

At the end of the day, life is a collection of experiences, most of them to do with people. Through my years of traveling, I’ve been privileged to encounter kindnesses in many forms from many people. Here, I’m sharing my 10 Best Customer Service Moments Ever.   1. The American and Southeast Asian teams of Ritz Carlton.I was planning a New Year’s surprise for my parents who were in Southeast Asia at the time. Because our family wouldn’t be spending [...]

10 Best Customer Service Moments Ever2016-03-03T04:41:19+01:00

14 Ways to WOW Your Customers

How often do you think about how to “WOW Your Customers”? If you have customers say WOW about your property and its service every day, then you are the right track and you don't need to read this post. If not, then I have 14 Ways to WOW Your Customers so they want to return. The essence of being a great host is showing your guests you care, great customer service and that they are your number one concern. I have [...]

14 Ways to WOW Your Customers2015-12-02T14:34:53+01:00

Do You Think You’re a Good Example For Your Hotel Employees?

Are you a good example for your Bed & Breakfast or Hotel Employees? If you have a organisational strategy in place, are relaxed with all your guests and also have taken time to employ great employees, your work ethic will reflect on your Bed & Breakfast or Hotel Employees and your day-to-day operation. If you're disorderly, always late or feel lackluster at the workplace, it will also reflect on your staff and your day-to-day operation. So, exactly what does this suggest? The work [...]

Do You Think You’re a Good Example For Your Hotel Employees?2015-12-02T15:19:18+01:00

Bad Policies That Push Amazing Employees Away

Do you know what I find interesting? How many independent hotel and bed & breakfast owners continue to have and enforce bad policies. It’s 2015 and I have met many hospitality property owners who manage their staff like it is the 1960’s. The arguments varied but many I have spoken with have told me they treat their employees exactly the same way they were treated when they began their work careers. If you remember back to the 50’s, 60’ and [...]

Bad Policies That Push Amazing Employees Away2015-12-02T15:45:38+01:00

How to Find and Retain Great Employees

Are you a proprietor of an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast? Do you have a problem finding great employees? Do you feel like you would need to clone yourself to get everything done the way you like?   Unfortunately, we do not reside in a perfect world; cloning isn't a scientific option and usually there's not sufficient time in a day for you to handle all aspects of your property.   There are times you will require help.   [...]

How to Find and Retain Great Employees2016-09-26T05:47:55+02:00

The Best Way to Setup Your Organizational Structure & Save Your Sanity

When starting a business is setting up an Organizational Structure a priority? So, you'd made a conscious decision in the past to open an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast. The very thought of being your own boss, spending the days chatting with your guests, sharing stories, being known all over as The Friendly Innkeeper sounded extremely appealing. It was a delightful and romantic vision. Now, returning to reality. Occasionally, it's likely you have days like that but most of [...]

The Best Way to Setup Your Organizational Structure & Save Your Sanity2015-12-03T08:43:32+01:00

Ten Stupid Rules That Drive Great Employees Away

We met a guy named Vijay at a conference where he and I were speaking. About six months later, we heard from him. "So I wanted to let you know, I'm out of here," said Vijay on the phone. "What's the story?" we asked. "When we met you, you loved your job." "I loved the job I thought I had, which is the job I interviewed for," said Vijay. "That job never materialized. The company is trying to change its [...]

Ten Stupid Rules That Drive Great Employees Away2019-09-27T09:36:53+02:00
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