Write About Things You Know Nothing About & Be An Authority

How to attract guests to your property by highlighting the best of what you & your region have to offer using a blog, and sound like an authority.   It’s at this point where I have heard many hospitality property owners say, “Sure, that sounds easy enough, but I don’t have a clue about what to write and I’m not an authority on many topics.”   Here are a few ideas of the type of things you can write about: [...]

Write About Things You Know Nothing About & Be An Authority2016-09-30T07:10:26+02:00

How to Give Your Organizational Structure a JumpStart

  I have heard this same story may times. The idea of starting your own Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast had been on your mind for a long time. Being your own boss sounded appealing and you visualised yourself chit-chatting with customers, sharing stories, being known far and wide as the kindly innkeeper.   It was a delightful and starry-eyed image.   Now that you have taken the leap and you own your own Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast, [...]

How to Give Your Organizational Structure a JumpStart2016-09-01T12:47:13+02:00

How to Open a Hotel Training Course

Do you imagine leaving your current job with the romantic idea of operating your own Inn or Hotel? Do you feel you would need Hotel Training? Do you know where to start?   You should start by asking yourself a couple of other questions.   Where is the ideal location for my hospitality property? What employees are going to be required? How am I going to find guests? How can I get them to return?   These questions are just to [...]

How to Open a Hotel Training Course2016-08-18T04:53:28+02:00

How to Start a Bed and Breakfast

Have you thought of opening a Bed & Breakfast? Do you know what you need to operate a Bed & Breakfast?   You might be thinking; “I live in a nice house, am in a lovely location and I am interested in making a little extra money. I should open the Bed & Breakfast.”   Before you start you should ask yourself a few questions. Is my home really in a suitable location? What makes my home unique or captivating? [...]

How to Start a Bed and Breakfast2016-08-08T13:43:33+02:00

Photography and Your Hospitality Property – Part II

This post is the second of a two-part series.   In the last post, I asked you to use your imagination and book a hotel room.   You visit an online booking site and compare the pictures from two different hotels. Your first choice looks nice but is not available. Your second choice looks dark and dingy but the location is perfect so you book.   You arrive to find an amazing property and that your presumption was totally inaccurate. [...]

Photography and Your Hospitality Property – Part II2016-07-21T13:53:38+02:00

Training Your Brain to Learn Faster

Training Your Brain to Learn Faster Jill Konrath says it’s the number one competitive advantage for salespeople today.   What is "it"? No, it's not having the firmest handshake or the sharpest suit. You might have an extremely engaging phone persona, but that won’t ultimately set you apart in Jill’s book. Your social selling prowess? Nope, not that either.   To Jill, the one and only skill that can truly give you the edge is rapid learning. Much of sales [...]

Training Your Brain to Learn Faster2016-07-14T12:23:46+02:00

Photography and Your Hospitality Property

Photography and Your Hospitality Property For this post I want you to start by using your imagination. Imagine you have a few days to yourself and you want to get away, to a hotel or bed & breakfast just to unwind.   You go to your favourite hospitality booking engine and start looking for a place. You find a location and a property that looks promising.  You go through the booking procedure only to find out the hotel is full [...]

Photography and Your Hospitality Property2016-07-14T11:56:56+02:00

The Most Important Aspect of Successfully Operating a Hospitality Property

Do you own an Independent Hotel, Bed & Breakfast, Inns, Resort, Cottages, etc? Do you feel like you’re giving your guests the best experience possible? Do you feel at the end of the day that you are operating your property as effectively as possible?   The post this week is going to be very short because I want to ask a question.   I have of seen the hospitality property industry from many sides. I ran a hotel for two [...]

The Most Important Aspect of Successfully Operating a Hospitality Property2016-07-14T11:42:08+02:00

Rules of Social Media Marketing

Rules of Social Media Marketing Okay, this is true.  I once heard a hotel operator say “I don’t need to use social media.  My vacancy light on my sign works perfectly.” So what are the Rules of Social Media Marketing? 30 or 40 years ago, that might have been the case but today your competition is using social media to attract guests. According to studies, hotel guests read 6-12 reviews before booking, 93% of worldwide travellers say their booking choices are [...]

Rules of Social Media Marketing2016-07-14T11:48:35+02:00
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