History of the Hotel Industry-The Journey | Ep. #207

. . Have you ever wondered how the history of the hotel industry started? Check out this episode to find out how. . . Introduction So, you are an aspiring or seasoned owner or manager in the hospitality property industry, hotel, resort, inn, bed and breakfast etc. How did we get here? Do you know where our industry started? . 2000 Years Ago Hotels or a version of have been around for a couple of thousand years going back to [...]

History of the Hotel Industry-The Journey | Ep. #2072020-09-29T15:39:10+02:00

31 Habits of Successful People | Ep. #206

 . . Life is 10% what happens and 90% of how you react to it. I will share with you 31 habits of successful people and how they react. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . Here’s an interesting fact, Nearly all successful people have similar habits. You may not have recognized them, so I’m going to share with you a list of twenty-one of the most common habits of successful [...]

31 Habits of Successful People | Ep. #2062020-08-22T11:16:02+02:00

How to Make the Outside of Your Hospitality Property More Enticing | Ep. #205

. . Do you feel the outside look of your property is distracting from the experience you want to offer your guests? Let me give you a few ideas that can improve their first impression. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . First impressions last and this is particularly true when it comes to the appearance of a hospitality property. If the outside area of a property looks run-down or does not [...]

How to Make the Outside of Your Hospitality Property More Enticing | Ep. #2052020-08-22T11:10:57+02:00

37 Things for a Perfect Hotel Room | Ep. #204

  . If you want your guest to return, you are going to have to WOW them. I’m will show you how to do this with the perfect hospitality property room. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson.  . . When things get back to some semblance of normal, whatever that may be, you are going to have to work extra hard to get back your customers. . In this episode, I’m going [...]

37 Things for a Perfect Hotel Room | Ep. #2042020-08-22T11:10:12+02:00

Different Types of Hotels – What is Yours? | Ep. #203

. . Do you own or manage a hospitality property? What type of hotel are you? I am going to tell you about the differences. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . Have you ever noticed there are many different types of hotels throughout the world? I have found a list that names over 60 types and I want to give credit to Christian Eilers of Dauntless Jaunter for compiling this [...]

Different Types of Hotels – What is Yours? | Ep. #2032020-08-08T10:35:13+02:00

Revenue Management – How to Set It Up | Ep. #202

. . Your guest room is a perishable product so pricing & customer happiness remain extremely important variables. To stay on top you need to understand revenue management and why it is important. I’ll explain. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . Why did you want to become a hospitality property owner? . The idea of becoming a hospitality property owner and greeting guests sounded appealing. . You were tired of the [...]

Revenue Management – How to Set It Up | Ep. #2022020-07-26T09:37:36+02:00

Outsourcing for My Hotel, Resort, Inn & Bed & Breakfast | Ep. #201

. . Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Too much to do and not enough time? I’m going to give you a solution to take some of that stress of your plate. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . In this episode, I will look at outsourcing by asking and answer the following questions: What is outsourcing? . Why would I need to outsource? . When to outsource? . What duties could [...]

Outsourcing for My Hotel, Resort, Inn & Bed & Breakfast | Ep. #2012020-07-11T13:44:49+02:00

Mission Statement & Why You Need One – Plus More | Ep. #200

 . Why do you want to own & operate a hospitality property? I’ll give you a way to answer that question that should increase your bookings. Also, this is our 200th episode and we are celebrating! Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . Over the years, I have asked many independent hotel, resort, inn and bed & breakfasts owners why they wanted to be in the hospitality property industry. As [...]

Mission Statement & Why You Need One – Plus More | Ep. #2002020-07-07T13:34:37+02:00

How Will I Know My Operations Manual Works? | Ep. #199

. . You want to have an operations manual for your property but how do you know it’s worth the time putting together. I will show you how to make sure it works. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . In the last couple of episodes, I looked at why and how to prepare your operations manual. I looked at the framework or the structure, and in the last episode, I [...]

How Will I Know My Operations Manual Works? | Ep. #1992020-07-11T11:30:11+02:00

Your Operation Manual – What You Need to Include | Ep. #198

. . Do you have a photographic memory? Do your employees? If not, you need an operations manual. I’m going to tell you what should be in it. Welcome to another edition of Hospitality Property School. I am your instructor, Gerry MacPherson. . . I'm not going to tell you exactly what your operations manual should include because it's up to you. The material could vary a little bit from property to property but the frame or structure I'm going [...]

Your Operation Manual – What You Need to Include | Ep. #1982020-06-30T18:46:02+02:00
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